Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Hammarby to reorganize

Football clubs in Sweden are in general organized in a very traditional kind of way. You have a Chairman and a CEO with a board. Alongside with that structure there is a coach or a trainer, but what is fundamental today is that the coach does not have budget responsibility. That to say, the coach can today merely recommend a potential signing.

Now, says Hammarby Chairman Jan Friedman to Hammarby Official site, there might be a change on the horizon. Hammarby is glancing at the continent where many clubs have a tradition with a Manager, which is responsible for sporting results. In many cases he has own budget responsibility.

The plans for such an essential reorganization is not lurking around the corner, but is more of a long term strategic aim, says Jan Friedman. More prioritized in Hammarby today is to develop the scouting organization which, according to Jan Friedman, is "an underdeveloped part of Swedish football in general, and on long term we believe it (a more developed scouting organization) can generate high revenues."

All in all, I personally think that the plans for a reorganization fits nicely with the plans of a new arena and the organizational demands such a project conveys. It's good news to hear about the plans to develop the scouting organization, too. Today, infact, many foreign clubs have more insight in Swedish clubs and the potential promising young players there, than many of the clubs in the premier league of Sweden. At least, that's my impression.

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