Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Kappa to applicate for summons

Yesterday we received the news that former Hammarby sponsor has applied for a summons against Hammarby Football. The application is said to comprise more than 28 million Swedish Krona.

In 2007 (Thanks Klas!), Hammarby cancelled the sponsor agreement with Kappa. The reasons, Hammarby said, were that the equipment (shoes, clothes etc) did not fulfill promised standards. Kappa on their part, argue that Hammarby broke the sponsorship agreement when several Hammarby players neglected to use Kappa football shoes during matches.

To me, this is nothing short but a huge surprise. I think that most Hammarby supporters still saw Kappa as a really nice brand when it comes to clothing, but now Kappa has surely burnt their bridges in Hammarby land. Not one Hammarby supporter will buy another Kappa item for years to come, which makes me think that the long term loss for Kappa will far exceed the 28+ millions.

It turns out that the company responsible for the application, Danish Primetime Nordic, is a company not to be taken too seriously. They probably bribed their way to become Nordic distributors of Kappa, and one can only suspect that the application for summons vs Hammarby will be nothing short of a bad joke. But, time will tell.

Personally, I think Hammarby should fire back with the same weapon if possible. An application in return, if it'll turn out that the application against Hammarby is indeed faulty, will surely bite hard.

(I love the expression "it turns out" by the indicates that someone really important, probably a scientist or something, has thought a lot around a subject, did some experimenting too and has come to a conclusion. A rather impressive conclusion, and thus not to be questioned by anyone short of a genious.)


Unknown said...

It was in 2007 Hammarby broke with the sponsor due to that the sponsor could not fulfill their commitment. Hammarby had to sign a less favourable, but working, sponsor agreement with Nike instead.

Thanks for a nice blog!

Anonymous said...

Not only Kappa, Fila will suffer (from a former fan of their clothes and accessories) as well as Head. Badwill and bad bottom line, for Prime Time Nordic! If they can´t make the Scandinavian Market work, please don´t blame the misstake on a footboll club, who´s next FCK...?!


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