Wednesday, 2 April 2008


It's been roughly 48 hours since the match ended vs Ljungskile the other night, and I can't help but feel more and more optimistic. I know, it's in the very nature of a supporter to be positive about his or her team, but this is a little more than that.

In the second half, it was obvious that the Hammarby players were not even tired. They ran and ran and passed and dribbled. Ljungskile just couldn't cope with the higher tempo Hammarby possessed. But then again, as newcomers they shouldn't have either.

But no premiere without something dirty. Erkan Zengin, right midfielder in Hammarby, supposedly was spit on by Ljungskile left wing defender Edwin Phiri. After being spit on, Erkan gave back by touching Phiri in his face, nothing more than that and surely not a hit. We'll see what happens, but if Phiri spat on Zengin, there's no doubt he'll get his punishment from the Swedish Football Association.

On Monday, Hammarby face Sundsvall in the home premiere. It's gonna be a tough nut to crack, especially since Sundsvall lost THEIR first game, but again I feel positive. No injuries, three points in the last match...we'll see. Looks like it's gonna be sold out too!

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